In a recent press release, the eco-terrorists from the Earth Liberation Front (ELF) claimed “two years of genetic experiments were destroyed” by its members in an attack on the Cold Spring Harbor Laboratories in Long Island, New York. As it turns out, what ELF did was destroy corn that was not genetically improved, but rather was the result of natural plant breeding. Officials estimate the vandalism had set back experiments only a few weeks, not a few years.
Despite activists’ repeated claims to the contrary, analysis by USDA’s Economic Research Service indicates that adoption of genetically improved corn, soybeans, and cotton is associated with a decrease in the use of pesticides. (the voice of Greenpeace in the genetically improved food debate) is reporting that “German Greenpeace activists dressed in bird suits launched a campaign against McDonald’s chicken nuggets and sandwiches produced from broilers grown with GMO feed.” Of course the press release does not tell us if these misguided lunatics in bird suits protested in their living room or whether they actually went out to a McDonald’s somewhere.