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Nannies Lament Labeling Decision

In refusing to require mandatory labeling for genetically improved food products, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) yesterday reinforced the fact that it would be “misleading” for a label to say or imply that a product is safer or of higher quality because it is not genetically improved. The FDA concluded that the presence or absence of biotechnology products makes no material difference in the food.

Needless to say, the organic-industry-backed anti-choice nannies are not happy with the FDA ruling. Some are even threatening to sue. {Genetically Engineered Food Alert – Greenpeace – Environmental Defense}

Why are the nannies so intent on getting mandatory labels? Because, as Craig Winters, head of The Campaign to Label Genetically Engineered Foods says, it would be too hard to get Congress to pass a ban and besides, “labeling had nearly the same effect as a ban,” in Europe. Winters says, “We expect the same thing to happen in the U.S.”

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