Filed Under: Soft Drinks

Carbonated Sips Sink Ships

When the British newspaper The Telegraph noted last week that some of Osama bin Laden’s wealth comes from an investment in the Sudan-based Gum Arabic Company, which produces an ingredient used in many soft drinks, Joseph Mercola wasted no time in proclaiming, “What a wonderful way to stay healthy and stop terrorism at the same time.”

The quirky Dr. Mercola, an osteopath who specializes in the “integration of bioenergy emotional resolutions with nutrition,” has joined with the anti-choice forces in denouncing soda. Taking advantage of the Telegraph report, he writes that “drinking soda is one of the worst things you can possibly do to your health.” And now he says, a bit incoherently, that it’s tantamount to treason: “If the U.S. goes to war the last thing you will need to do be damaging your health and help finance terrorism by consuming soda.”

More on “Soft Drinks”

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Soda Taxes (Still) Don’t Work

Posted November 14, 2019 at 8:28 am
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Soda Taxes Fizzle Out in Washington State

Posted November 9, 2018 at 9:56 am
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Small Victory for Soda Lovers in California

Posted July 17, 2018 at 9:05 am