“The incidents have not tailed off, even since Sept. 11: a firebombing at a federal corral for wild horses in northeastern California; a fire at a primate research center in New Mexico, and back-to-back break-ins in Iowa,” the New York Times reports. “All the incidents occurred in the last several weeks, and loose-knit groups like the Animal Liberation Front or the Earth Liberation Front have claimed responsibility. While many mainstream protest groups have scaled back their activism since the terrorist attacks, radical animal rights groups have not.”
In the Center For Consumer Freedom op-ed published in USA Today November 1, we discussed the clear and present danger of animal rights terrorists to food producers, restaurants, and their customers. As we wrote, government officials have “warned that the nation’s food supply could be the target of a terrorist attack. The people we need to worry about, though, may not be international terrorists. They could be the middle-class kids down the street.”
FBI spokesperson Beth Anne Steele put it best: “This is a horrible time in the nation’s history, and to be adding to that with your own brand of violence just goes beyond the pale.”