It’s that time of year again, when a potpourri of violent anarchists and militant socialists descend on our nation’s capital to attract media attention and spread fear. But this year’s amalgam of greens, anti-globalists, and other far-Left groups aren’t just complaining about the World Bank. Their list of gripes includes (of course) the current war on terrorism, the “capitalist greed” that keeps our families fed and clothed, and the spread of genetically improved food overseas.
As the aptly-named Anti-Capitalist Convergence threatens to “shut the city down,” police have considered using lawsuits (of the type usually reserved for organized crime) in order to keep Washington, DC in one piece.
Activists claim that law enforcement is overreacting, but the latest news flash from DC’s most well-known anarchist web site — on a page subtitled “nothing ever burns down by itself” — suggests a real crime spree in the making. An “Anarchist Scavenger Hunt” has been initiated, where participants earn points for breaking the law around town. Some verbatim examples (we’re not making this up):
Trash inside of a retail chain store – 500 points
Smashed McDonald’s window – 300 points each
Liberate [read: steal] food from Fresh Fields or a hotel function – 300 points
Demolish private surveillance camera – 300 points each
Organize a high school walkout – 300 points
Whack a CEO in the head – 300 points each
Punctured cop car tire – 75 points each
Moreover, a look at the various sponsors of this week’s thug-fest reveals some relatively mainstream money behind the coming mayhem. Greenpeace, Friends of the Earth, (Ralph Nader’s) Essential Action, the Rainforest Action Network, the AFL-CIO, and the Communications Workers of America are all lending their names to events that can be fairly described as “anti-capitalist” rallies in support of socialism. As we see the mythical “rich –vs- poor” dramas unfold on our television sets this week, it might be useful to remember that the combined net worth of these “sponsoring” groups is well over $200 million.