Filed Under: Uncategorized

Our Week In Review

If you’ve been reading the Center for Consumer Freedom’s Daily Headlines this week…

You’ve seen how Florida newspapers aren’t buying the latest animal-rights “pig in a poke,” and how exercise (not fear of food) could be the key to children’s health.

You’ve learned that “organic” food is not necessarily “healthier” or “safer”, and that PETA is still in public denial about its own connections to violent criminals.

You’ve read about one columnist’s predictions on the next move of the dreaded “nutrition Nazis,” and about growing doubts on the safety of “organic” chickens and eggs.

You know why the Florida Elections Commission says a New York animal rights group broke the law — 210 times — and why thinking people should reject Public Citizen’s misguided duck-and-cover campaign against food irradiation.

If you know someone who should be reading the Center for Consumer Freedom Daily Headlines, drop them an e-mail telling them to start!

More on “Uncategorized”

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