If you’ve been reading the Center for Consumer Freedom’s Daily Headlines this week…
You’ve read about PETA’s polls that ask misleading questions and misrepresent public opinion, and about an English law that would punish animal rights zealots for intimidating medical researchers.
You’ve seen how activist groups manipulate public fears about mercury in order to sink America’s commercial fishermen, and how Robert F. Kennedy Jr. is, well, a liar.
You’ve learned that PETA’s biggest concern in the Middle East is for a donkey that Yasser Arafat enlisted as a suicide bomber.
You know that Californians’ tax dollars are paying for the “travel, hotel and meal expenses” of violent radicals, and that domestic terrorists endangered at least 48 lives last week.
If you know someone who should be reading the Center for Consumer Freedom Daily Headlines, drop them an e-mail telling them to start!