If you’ve been reading the Center for Consumer Freedom’s Daily Headlines this week…
You know that the Center for Consumer Freedom launched a television ad campaign and a new website about the animal “liberation” movement, and that PBS’s Bill Moyers is a scaremonger with a microphone.
You’ve read about efforts in New Zealand to start “carding” kids who buy the “wrong” foods, and about how the First Amendment protects “truthful information about legal alcoholic products.”
You’ve seen how activist junk science on animal antibiotics just doesn’t add up, and how The Washington Post can’t tell anti-biotech Greenpeace activists from regular farmers.
You learned about Orwellian educrats removing “bad” foods from text books, and about PETA (still!) peddling violence to children.
If you know someone who should be reading the Center for Consumer Freedom Daily Headlines, drop them an e-mail telling them to start!