Militants have again struck the quiet college town of Chico, California. Last weekend, violent activists left “plastic milk containers filled with flammable liquid (and rigged to ignite) underneath two new SUVs on display at [a local] auto dealer.” Although the perpetrators left no calling card, the PETA-funded Earth Liberation Front (ELF), which has a habit of setting fire to cars and trucks it doesn’t approve of, is the obvious suspect. ELF vandalized 60 SUVs in one night just last week.
According to police, the two bombs “resemble a device left at a local fast-food restaurant in March.” That time around, the Animal Liberation Front (ALF) claimed responsibility.
The incendiary devices planted by ALF and ELF in Chico were built according to the recipe demonstrated by convicted Animal Liberation Front arsonist (and recipient of over $70,000 from People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals) Rodney Coronado, during a speech before hundreds of young people at American University in January: