Filed Under: Organic Activists

Quote Of The Week

This week’s notable quotable comes from University of Houston professor Thomas DeGregori. Writing in the online journal Tech Central Station, DeGregori reports that the anti-technology zealots at Greenpeace recently staged a stunt in Great Britain where they offered to exchange “what they described as genetically modified milk for the organic alternative, free of charge” in front of a major grocery chain store.

Of course, there’s no such thing as genetically modified milk. Just milk from cows raised on genetically enhanced grain. Milk is milk, and Greenpeace is simply preying on the fears of consumers. Professor DeGregori calls them on it:

Somehow Greenpeace always seems to have an uncanny ability to get things exactly opposite to the truth and in this case, once again they have not failed us in being egregiously in error …

What the Greenpeace promotion was saying is that the milk that you bought is poison so you should exchange it for good wholesome “organic” milk. Ironically, however small the probability may be, organic milk could well be highly toxic, containing all natural poisons. At very least, organic milk poses a far greater threat than milk produced from cows fed genetically modified maize for which there is absolutely no evidence of harm …

Isn’t it time that consumers everywhere hold Greenpeace and organic food producers to the standards of conduct and food safety that they claim to be promoting?

More on “Organic Activists”

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