When People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA) announced last week that it would soon establish a formal presence in Australia, some observers were surprised. We weren’t — after all, the group has owned a “PetaAustralia” Internet domain since 1999. And in recent years, PETA has carved out permanent-looking real estate in over a dozen countries and in several foreign languages. (Click here, here, here, and here for a few examples.) Well, two can play at that game. As the horribly backward philosophy of extending legal “rights” to animals (not to be confused with the worthwhile pursuit of animal welfare) spreads across the globe like a cancer, we’ll continue to point out activists’ glaring hypocrisies in whatever languages are helpful.
More than three million people have seen our PETA Kills Animals website since we launched it two years ago. And that’s just among the English-speaking world. Today we’re re-launching the website in French, German, Italian, and Russian. Here are four shiny new URLs that you can share with your polyglot friends:
Next week, HBO will premiere a documentary film about Ingrid Newkirk, PETA’s lunatic-in-chief. We’re hearing that the filmmakers ignored Newkirk’s personal history of accepting donations from pet lovers while green-lighting lethal injections for thousands of dogs and cats. But never mind — we’ll be reminding the global mass media about what we’re sure was an innocent oversight.
We haven’t decided yet what the next languages in the PETA Kills Animals franchise will be, but Chinese, Spanish, and Pig Latin are good bets. (Eeta-pay Ills-kay Animals-ay…)