Americans do not like to be told what they can or cannot eat and drink. Personal responsibility has once again silenced the loud minority of fun suckers bent on controlling the people’s diet. Earlier this month, a Gallup poll determined that 69% of Americans would not vote for portion control in soft drinks. This echoes findings by the Associated Press that showed wide opposition to the food police’s latest scheme.
The poll was conducted during Mayor Bloomberg’s appeal of a lower court ruling that struck down his 16 ounce soda ban. Mayor Bloomberg claimed that this law would reduce obesity and diabetes; however, the appeals court was skeptical of his argument and suspected the soda ban could create a dangerous precedent. Either way, the government cannot legislate people into being healthy.
Bloomberg and his merry bang of regulators have tried and failed to sway public opinion in favor of their war on obesity. Their “Fat Bureau of Investigation” has attempted everything from regulating portion size to “fat taxes,” but Americans will always find a way to quench their sweet tooth. According to a study at Cornell University, soda taxes and portion control only decrease consumption slightly in the beginning, only to resume normal levels shortly thereafter.
The food police are now thinking more broadly, trying to raise taxes on all foods. A study from the National Bureau of Economic Health concluded that taxing certain foods by the calorie reduced intake of foods by participants. Proponents of the tax say that “a calorie tax would get you the biggest bang for your buck.” However, nutritionists and common sense shows that this tax would do little but raise the price of staple food items for the poor. Either way you spin it, the IRS diet just doesn’t work.
Fortunately for the majority of Americans, the nannies have been unsuccessful. The American people don’t want to be policed and the polling, votes, and judicial decisions have shown it. The soda fear mongers should take a hint, get off of their high horse, and take our advice and enjoy a nice gulp of freedom.