The Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine (PCRM)—which is only ten percent actual M.D.s—recently announced plans to erect a billboard targeting the Lehigh Valley IronPigs’ Coca-Cola Park. Why? Because the park is guilty of a serious crime: being passionate about bacon.
On top of serving bacon, the IronPigs’ uniforms feature bacon. The team even has a bacon mascot. And for the activists at PCRM, this type of behavior is too dangerous (to pigs) to be tolerated.
But PCRM doesn’t have the medical clout to credibly advocate against bacon. That’s because PCRM (whose founder and president used to run the PETA Foundation) is an animal liberation group, not a legitimate mainstream medical organization.
Luckily, the IronPigs haven’t fallen for PCRM’s alarmism. Instead, they’ve used Facebook to post a comical picture of meat mascots with “Save Our Bacon” signs. At the time of this post, the picture has over 3,000 likes and 1,700 shares. The club has also started a Twitter campaign using the hashtag “#SaveOurBacon.” IronPig fans can breathe easy knowing their favorite food won’t be banned anytime soon, and they can leave the discredited ramblings of activist vegans at the stadium gates.