Filed Under: Ads Other (press)

Ad: What’s Hiding Inside Plant-Based “Meat”?

Do you know what’s in your burger? It’s a pretty simple answer if you’re eating your classic beef burger: Beef, and maybe some salt and pepper to taste. But if you’re eating a plant-based burger the answer might be more than a mouthful. 

In an effort to educate the public on the contents of plant-based meat, today we are running ran a full-page ad in The New York Times that puts the unappetizing ingredients of these products on display.

Given that nearly 50% of consumers incorrectly believe plant-based proteins are healthier than the real thing, we believe it is important to expose the inaccuracies surrounding fake meat and real meat. 

These aren’t your regular veggie burgers. Plant-based meat is an ultra-processed concoction that can boast contain dozens of ingredients, many of which are fillers and additives. The National Institutes of Health found that ultra-processed foods can cause weight gain and overeating. These habits can lead to obesity, which increases the risk of an assortment of diseases.

While fake meat companies are hoping to exploit stories about the need to reduce consumption of real meat, according to recent findings in the Annals of Internal Medicine, reducing red meat consumption has little to no effect in reducing the risk of heart disease, cancer, or stroke.

In addition, even if all Americans were to stop consuming all products produced from animals U.S. greenhouse gas emissions would decrease by 2.6%. Despite what anti-meat activists or companies may say, switching to meat analogues won’t save the planet.

This is the fourth ad in we have run that focuses on plant-based meat; we previously have placed ads in USA Today, The Wall Street Journal, and The New York Post. To see the ingredients in a wide assortment of fake meat products, visit

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