Your Kids, PETA’s Pawns

A seventh-grader organizes a protest outside a Kentucky Fried Chicken in Washington. A 15-year-old girl attempts to ban circus elephants in Denver. A rash of adolescent-driven, animal-rights-related vandalism hits California. A popular software company promotes a video game about “animal liberation” activists who destroy medical research labs, and in a new game “Clubby the Seal” takes revenge by collecting human skin hides. Is there any doubt that the animal rights movement is targeting your kids?

In a newly updated report, “Your Kids, PETA’s Pawns,” the Center for Consumer Freedom explores how one group, the $31 million People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA), utilizes its vast resources to attract children and teenagers — the next generation of potential meat eaters, milk drinkers, circus-goers, and fishermen – to its cult-like crusade. In its 2007 annual report PETA boasts of having “the largest youth membership of any animal rights organization,” with over 800,000 Peta members.

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Despite denunciations from psychologists and school officials, PETA continues to target children as young as six years old with violent and graphic propaganda. Sidestepping parents and school authorities, PETA lures young and impressionable children into radical activism with a coordinated effort including the use of graphic comic books,grotesque toys, schoolyard demonstrations, e-mail alerts sent directly to 65,000 children, and even a classroom lecturer with a felony rap sheet.

Not convinced? Read the updated “Your Kids, PETA’s Pawns” and learn how this radical animal rights group is still a multi-million-dollar menace to children of all ages. Teachers, principals, school board members, and school psychologists can request printed copies by e-mailing us your name and job title, the name of your school or school district, and a mailing address. Copies of our ad in Newsweek (suitable for hanging in your faculty lounge) are also available.

» Download the full report (.pdf)

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