Meat (page 39)

Putting Food Fears In Parents

A Sunday op-ed in the Washington Post is the latest in a choreographed assault on meat. The factually obscured case of a young Nebraskan's bout with salmonella so frightened the writer that she publicly voiced fear about feeding her children meat, and in doing so may have unnecessarily frightened many other parents. For an interesting discussion of the intense scientific controversy behind these headlines, read Steve Milloy's piece at
Posted May 22, 2000 at 12:00 am

Scientist Back Menu Choices

National Public Radio’s Rebecca Perl does interviews with a regular lineup of nannies about the introduction of the new dietary guidelines and how much of the science behind the…
Posted May 18, 2000 at 12:00 am

Diabolical Dioxin Or Nanny Nonsense?

A draft report from the Environmental Protection Agency says dioxin could pose 10 times the cancer risk as previously believed for people who eat large amounts of fatty meats…
Posted May 18, 2000 at 12:00 am

Don’t Dis The Chick

Syndicated radio show host Harry Shearer, bowing to pressure from the wacky chicken-rights folks at United Poultry Concerns over "unthinking" comments he made concerning chicken processing, declared yesterday "National Respect the Chicken Day." We offer our full support. However you like to eat it -- fried, barbequed, baked, or broiled -- we respect chicken as a menu choice.
Posted May 15, 2000 at 12:00 am

Egg-straneous Lawmaking

Activist challenges to the way farmers raise hen-laying chickens have found a voice in the California Assembly. The Assembly's Agriculture Committee plans to debate a proposed law banning "forced molting" today.
Posted May 3, 2000 at 12:00 am

Great ‘Meatout’ Mistake

Indiana Governor Frank O’Bannon, whose support of the so-called “Great American Meatout” baffled many Hoosiers who depend upon cattle for their livelihood, has indicated his proclamation was a “staff mistake,”…
Posted April 12, 2000 at 12:00 am

Here Come The Nannies

The nannies are bringing their traveling protest show to Washington next week to try and shut down the International Monetary Fund/World Bank meetings. Check our website daily to see what they anti-meat, anti-dairy, anti-genetically engineered, and other anti-choice nannies are up to. We'll have all the breaking news along with photos and video coverage. Don't miss it!
Posted April 7, 2000 at 12:00 am

Well Done Research

A new study from the University of California Irvine College of Medicine dispels any link between breast cancer and the consumption of well-done meats. "No matter how the food was prepared -- blackened, barbecued, grilled or pan-fried -- red meat didn't increase the risk and white meat actually seemed to offer protection against breast cancer," said Dr. Ralph Delfino, who co-led the research team.
Posted March 29, 2000 at 12:00 am

Rewarding Terrorism?

Eco-terrorists at the Animal Liberation Front have confessed to a rash of arsons, including the firebombing of a meat plant, in the San Francisco Bay area in recent months. The Foundation for Biomedical Research quotes ALF spokesperson David Barbarash as saying, "Whoever these ALF activists are, they're doing a damn fine job of inflicting economic damages to these companies, and they should be rewarded for their courage and bravery!"
Posted March 22, 2000 at 12:00 am

Corn-fed Cattle Can’t Compare?

In endorsing yesterday's "Great American Meatout Day," Indiana Governor Frank O'Bannon asked Hoosiers to "explore a wholesome diet of whole grains, vegetables and fresh fruit." Not only is he off-base impugning meat as not wholesome, O'Bannon's oblivious to the positive impact cattle-raising and corn-fed cattle have on his state. (Indianapolis Star, "Read All About It!")
Posted March 21, 2000 at 12:00 am