Mark Bittman, the arch-food snob of The New York Times online op-ed section, came out with another doozy of a column this week. Calling for Americans to…
We predicted that the unscientific, hysterical calls to remove finely textured beef–tarred as “pink slime” in the media—would result in higher hamburger prices and no benefits to food safety…
The evangelical vegetarians at Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine (despite the name, only 10 percent of its members are medical doctors) have a habit of attacking President Obama and the First Family for…
We often point out that animal rights activists are misanthropic. Some make no bones about it: People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals founder Ingrid Newkirk has compared…
The misnamed Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine (less than 10 percent of its members are physicians) wants you to worry about your chicken. Actually, PCRM doesn’t want…
With the makers of boneless lean beef trimmings – pejoratively tarred as “pink slime”— suspending operations at three of their four plants, the activists’ whirlwind campaign against…
As we wrote recently at The Daily Caller, the latest study finding a link between red meat and mortality has flaws. Notably, the data requires participants to remember…
Last week, researchers released a study that showed an association between mortality and the consumption of red and processed meat based on two surveys of healthcare professionals. As our…
The current foodie movement villain of the week is ground beef, specifically boneless lean beef trimmings (which they call “pink slime”). What are boneless lean beef trimmings? Well, they’re…
The bacon- and cheese-hating vegan scolds at the misnamed Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine (only ten percent of its members are M.D.s) are back to their…