Big Fat Lies (page10)

Do Two California Cities Determine the Fate of Beverage Freedom?

The analogy that soda is to obesity as tobacco is to tobacco-related illnesses is a one that is as overused as it is false. Tobacco is the undisputed…
Posted October 10, 2012 at4:00 pm

A New Threat to Personal Choice

Anti-food campaigners like Kelly Brownell, godfather of punitive taxes on food, have a distinctly American problem in ramming through restrictions on consumer choice. Brownell and one of…
Posted October 2, 2012 at3:29 pm

New Study Predicts Life Expectancies Will Be Longer in 2040

A favorite the-sky-is-falling claim of anti-food crusaders like Twinkie tax godfather Kelly Brownell and David Ludwig is, “Children will have a shorter life expectancy than their parents.” We have…
Posted September 24, 2012 at4:32 pm

Cheese Curls: Not The New Meth

The New York Times’ health blog today proposes a question that Center for Science in the Public Interest president Michael Jacobson, America’s top food cop, recently…
Posted September 21, 2012 at4:28 pm

Scary Statistic Alert: Will Half of Americans Be Obese By 2030?

The Trust for America’s Health (TFAH) released its annual “F as in Fat” report on obesity today, and it now comes with predictions of what obesity rates will look like…
Posted September 18, 2012 at4:33 pm

Memo to Activists: A Brown Liquid Is Not A Green Leaf

We’ve been counting the ways that New York City Mayor Mike Bloomberg’s soda ban is a bad idea for slowing obesity. Let’s add another one. Dr. David…
Posted September 14, 2012 at2:26 pm

A Magic Bullet Called “Addiction”

With new studies purporting to equate ice cream and heroin, we can’t help but recall one psychiatrist’s warning that “the word ‘addiction’ is perilously close to losing any meaning.” A …
Posted September 7, 2012 at1:19 pm

The “Social Engineer’s Manifesto” Is Still Flawed

It’s that time of year again. No, not back-to-school, but the time of year that the Trust for America’s Health releases its annual report calling the nation’s anti-obesity policy…
Posted August 27, 2012 at4:10 pm

Cause of Big Bodies Is Still Small Choices

It’s refreshing to see that actual scientists who don’t parrot the usual activist line can get their studies mentioned in a major newspaper every so often (though we…
Posted August 23, 2012 at1:50 pm

Magical Beans Grow on Bittman’s Farm

New York Times writer Mark Bittman took a brief respite from his pseudoscientific crusade against moo-juice to “Celebrate the Farmer” in his column today. So,…
Posted August 22, 2012 at1:37 pm