We’ve examined in the past how the portfolio of issues handled by “public health” bureaucrats has expanded from infectious diseases — over which we have no control —…
Sometimes it’s good to read what your opponents are reading. A roundup of the food-activist agitprop can be found periodically on foodie spokesman Mark Bittman’s…
One theory of political change, called the “Overton window” after the political theorist who proposed it, holds that at any given time some policies are unthinkable—outside the…
We think we’ve heard just about every argument for food paternalism that exists. From organic movement leaders saying that we need to “go on [their] feelings,” animal…
We expected food-tax advocate, frozen-dinner snob, and comparative-advantage illiterate Mark Bittman to love New York Supernanny Michael Bloomberg’s big-soda Prohibition. (It’s not like…
Much of the justification for the various forms of Twinkie Tax that the self-anointed “food police” have demanded for the better part of two decades rests on the…
The armies of the “public health” community are on the march, in advance of HBO’s release next week of a much-hyped documentary promoting the Social Engineer’s Manifesto. Never heard…