Right after now-former New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg first proposed his ban on large sodas, researchers from the RAND Corporation published a paper in the Centers for…
We’ve noted that bad ideas, like New York City’s for-now-enjoined ban on certain soft drinks, have a habit of expanding beyond their original territorial boundaries. To us, that’s an…
Led by Belgian UN Bureaucrat and holder of the title “Special Rapporteur for the Right to Food” Olivier De Schutter, activists are beginning to reshuffle some efforts to…
The undemocratic monarchical United Arab Emirates (UAE), a country of about 8 million people in the Persian Gulf, has decided that large soft drinks should be banned in…
Two items of interest this week for the thirsty: The Pew Research Center polling unit has released its latest findings on Americans’ view of obesity policy and politics,…
With the Food and Drug Administration moving to declare partially hydrogenated oils (trans fats) unsafe, we’ve called out for calm and objected to this potentially devastating precedent. Our…
The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has published a proposed rulemaking that would strike partially hydrogenated cooking oils (better known as “trans fats”) from the list of ingredients Generally…
We previewed ballot initiatives this week with an eye toward how they might change the politics of soda taxes and the scientifically pointless labeling of foods produced using…
It may not be a Presidential election year, but food activists’ demands on voters’ time and effort aren’t taking a year off. Fresh off three stinging defeats in…