Fat Taxes (page20)

Take Two: A Tax On Fat (People)?

Last month a New York Times column seriously proposed that the federal government should slap an extra tax on fat people. Yesterday The Washington Post aired the same…
Posted August 11, 2003 at12:00 am

A Tax On Fat (People)?

Last month we told you about some of our most ridiculous ideas for what health nannies might one day propose to combat the “obesity epidemic” — including excise…
Posted July 16, 2003 at12:00 am

Fat Tax Roundup

Like a weed or a virus, health nanny Kelly Brownell’s idea for a “Twinkie tax” on high-calorie and high-fat foods has spread as far…
Posted July 1, 2003 at12:00 am

Obesity: Individual Problem Demands Individual Responsibility

Center for Consumer Freedom Executive Director Rick Berman joined Twinkie-taxer Kelly Brownell on a panel yesterday to discuss “remedies” for America’s “obesity epidemic.” Brownell began by saying that…
Posted June 11, 2003 at12:00 am

G’Day! and Cheerio! to ‘Twinkie Taxes’

In a bid to discourage the public from assuming Orson Welles-like physical proportions, medical groups in both Great Britain and Australia are now recommending that their governments add punitive taxes…
Posted June 10, 2003 at12:00 am

A Taxing Problem

As we all recover from the sting of filing Form 1040, there is something to be thankful for: People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA) has not…
Posted April 16, 2003 at12:00 am