We have watched with great interest two soda tax ballot measures in California cities that New York Times columnist and resident food snob Mark Bittman hoped would…
Regular readers here will be familiar with activists’ high hopes for ballot initiatives that will restrict food freedom. In past years, we have seen animal rights activists use ballot…
We have been pointing out for some time that many anti-biotech activists “go on feelings” instead of using scientific evidence. Now, the Center for Science in…
The San Gabriel Valley Tribune editors joined their colleagues at the Contra Costa Times, the San Diego Union-Tribune, and the Las Vegas Review-Journal in…
The European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) has ruled that the study purporting to link biotech crops to cancer in lab animals is of “insufficient scientific quality for safety…
“Legislation today, litigation tomorrow,” we wrote all the way back in 2003. We (unfortunately) were right. Although everyone seems to know at least one starving law student,…
Across the country, from New York to California, there are government bureaucrats who are trying to put their subjects—er, free American citizens—on a mandatory diet.