On Tuesday, the New York Supreme Court Appellate Division (New York’s second-highest tier of courts) heard New York City’s appeal against the decision by Judge Milton Tingling that…
The Huffington Post published an interesting article today that noted a growing schism in the ideology of the food activists. The (conservative) author proposed that among liberals…
Readers of The Washington Post were greeted with a full-page announcement by the Healthy Weight Commitment Foundation that the companies participating had achieved their goal of reducing the…
Yesterday, a California Senate Committee heard testimony on a proposal, Senate Bill 622, to place a $1.28 per-gallon tax on soft drinks in the state. (If that doesn’t…
If you listen to the food scolds at the Center for Science in the Public Interest (CSPI), adding some salt to your food is essentially mainlining cocaine. Michael…
One of the less-remarked upon provisions of the national healthcare law passed in 2010 was a standardized calorie reporting requirement for restaurant menus in chains with more than…
When the New York City soda ban was announced, among its most fervent partisans was MSNBC host Mika Brzezinski. She notably threw a fit when Judge Milton Tingling…
In today’s POLITICO (the daily newspaper for the professional political set) Marion Nestle and two fellow “preventive medicine” — the P.R.-approved name for food police — researchers…
As California considers a punitive soft drink tax and a ban-anything-food-scolds-don’t-like law, would-be dinner dictators feel high on the hog. So as they promised in a journal…