German newsmagazine Der Speigel reports that Denmark plans to repeal its tax on sodas starting this year. The small European nation enacted and subsequently repealed a separate…
The Center for Science in the Public Interest (CSPI) periodically raises alarm bells about pathogens in America’s generally very safe food supply. Now CSPI has released what…
Michael Pollan, arch-foodie and author of the food-Luddite tome The Omnivore’s Dilemma, has a new book out, entitled Cooked: A Natural History of Transformation. Like his previous efforts, the…
The food activist book industry has been hyperactive the past few months. Robert Lustig’s holy war against sugar was extended into book form. Melanie Warner proclaimed a…
The latest tactic by the nation’s food police is to classify foods as “foods of abuse” that are “addictive” and that should be regulated like tobacco cigarettes,…
We mentioned in passing a California proposal that would grant the state Department of Public Health the authority to restrict or prohibit the sales of consumer products in…
Three years ago, the federal government passed a law establishing new, very strict nutritional guidelines for school lunches. For about a decade, nutrition activists like the…
Last month when all hope for adult decision-making in New York seemed lost, a New York state judge threw out the city’s proposed regulation limiting the size of…
Last week, we took note of an article in the progressive policy journal Breakthrough that challenged the prevailing anti-food orthodoxy in the debate over obesity. It’s worth…
Our objections to the Center for Science in the Public Interest’s (CSPI) report attacking restaurants for their kids’ meal offerings received wide coverage. The Los Angeles…