We’re not sure when Newsweek started publishing animal-rights propaganda, but its latest effort is on newsstands now. In an article called “New Ideas About Halting Diabetes,” Dr. Neal Barnard…
Sometimes the lunatic fringe makes our case for us. On Thursday, July 25, Fox News Channel viewers got a firsthand look at Michael Jacobson, the twinkie-taxer-in-chief who runs the…
“If children have healthy foods available, they’ll eat healthy foods. If they have unhealthy foods available, they’ll eat those… Animals will do the same thing when put in a cage.”…
“Health advocates are looking at tobacco as a model.” That was Margo Wootan of the Center for Science in the Public Interest (CSPI) speaking on CNN yesterday,…
In just the past week or so, ABC News, Fox News, and radio’s Marketplace have run high-profile stories on the so-called obesity “epidemic,” and The Providence Journal…
The Tulsa World took note on Monday that the Center for Science in the Public Interest (CSPI) has been celebrating its 30th anniversary in recent weeks, but World editors aren’t…