“There’s no denying that the bird flu is very bad for birds,” begins a recent column by New York Newsday‘s Ellis Henican. Over 150 million birds have been…
This afternoon in front of the U.S. Department of Agriculture in Washington, the vegetarian-only zealots at People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA) tried to…
If the recent news explosion about bird flu has taught us anything, it’s that food scares abhor a vacuum. Now that the British government has declared…
Despite scare campaigns from more than two dozen U.S. activist groups who make frightening people into ditching fish a full-time job, good news about seafood is out there — and…
The past 50 years have been the most productive period in global agricultural history, leading to the greatest reduction in hunger the world has ever seen. The Green Revolution,…
Leave it to the animal-rights fanatics at the misnamed Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine (PCRM) to make a mountain out of a dietary molehill. This morning the group…
The Center for Consumer Freedom has long warned of radical environmentalists needlessly scaring the public about infinitesimally small amounts of substances in our food. But don’t take our word…
News outlets from Pennsylvania to Pakistan are reporting that fish bought in U.S. grocery stores contain “dangerous” levels of methyl mercury and should carry warning labels.
Last year the PETA-affiliated Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine (PCRM) took out newspaper ads to encourage Atkins dieters to sue doctors whom they consulted about the weight-loss…
Yesterday a group of activists, environmentalists and public health organizations (including the scaremongers at the Union of Concerned Scientists) petitioned the U.S. Food and Drug Administration to…