“That bizarre collection of neurotics, nannies, killjoys, hysterics, and scolds better, if misleadingly, known as the Center for Science in the Public Interest, has dreamt up yet…
McDonald’s recently reached an $8.5 million settlement with a California lawyer after the restaurant chain didn’t replace the trans fat in its food on a previously announced…
In the neo-Luddites’ county-by-county campaign to ban genetically engineered (GE) crops in California, one activist has stumbled over his own rhetoric. According to GE-Free Sonoma County campaign coordinator…
Today’s newspaper headlines are blaring that eating red meat is somehow linked to colon cancer, but the meat of the matter tells a different story. An examination of the…
Today, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) blew the lid off one of the nation’s most pressing public health scourges: Christmas lights. While you may think…
Last month, as thousands of public health professionals (read: professional nannies) converged on the nation’s capitol to hear Hollywood science “expert” Erin Brockovich keynote the annual…
When Johns Hopkins University researcher Roland Griffiths released a study arguing that “caffeine addiction” should be recognized (alongside depression, bipolar disorder, and schizophrenia) in the Diagnostic…
Tinseltown’s A-list is racing to see who can write the biggest checks to the food-scare artists at the Natural Resources Defense Council (NRDC). According to a recent…
The self-described “complete press sluts” at People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA) have once again crossed the line of decency, this time adding insult to the injury of…
Everywhere we turn these days, we’re confronted with another dire warning to stop eating something, lest that something harm us and everyone we care about. We are told that most…