Soft Drinks (page7)

Will Coffee Speakeasies Pepper Manhattan?

UPDATE: The Wall Street Journal is reporting that New York State Judge Milton Tingling has ruled that the ban is arbitrary and capricious and prevented it from…
Posted March 11, 2013 at12:35 pm

Trial Lawyer Tells Students to Lobby for His Anti-Soda League

Regular readers might remember John Banzhaf, the George Washington University professor and “Sue The Bastards” trial lawyer responsible for frivolous fast-food lawsuits in the early 2000s. Mercifully…
Posted March 7, 2013 at4:43 pm

Deconstructing the Food Fearmonger

We mentioned in passing earlier this month that we had discovered a document written by the Rudd Center for Food Policy and Obesity (the home of…
Posted February 15, 2013 at3:57 pm

Hyperbole and Food Cops Go Together Like Fizz and Soda

In its call for enacting Prohibition on the soft drinks widely enjoyed by Americans, the Center for Science in the Public Interest (CSPI) calls soda a “bioweapon,” as if…
Posted February 14, 2013 at2:55 pm

National Soft Drink Prohibition Proposed

Today, food police from the Center for Science in the Public Interest (CSPI)and potato scaremonger Walter Willett introduced a proposal that would ban every regular soft drink…
Posted February 13, 2013 at11:45 am

Soft Drink Scolds’ Diet Tip Not Effective or Popular

Listening to activists like Kelly “Twinkie tax” Brownell or Michael “Carrot-Juice House” Jacobson, you might think that the key to solving America’s obesity problem is a soft drink tax. You…
Posted February 8, 2013 at1:59 pm

Pro-Soda-Tax Arguments Are Contrived, Stale

Today the Houston Chronicle brings us a profile on Texas State Representative Joe Farias’s vision for his misguided soda tax. It sounded familiar to us, with the usual mix of…
Posted February 5, 2013 at3:55 pm

Not-So-Sweet Sin Taxes Proposed in Half-Dozen States

Sometimes, bad ideas just won’t die. A perennial favorite is the sin tax on soft drinks, and with state legislatures convening across the country for their new sessions, they’re…
Posted February 4, 2013 at1:43 pm

Are Soda Scolds Super-Sizing Us with Sweetener Scares?

Before New York City’s Department of Health and Mental Hygiene unleashed its War on Soda, there was its War on Trans Fat. And as we noted repeatedly at the time, the…
Posted January 31, 2013 at5:42 pm

New York’s Anti-Prohibitionists Get Day in Court

Yesterday, a New York court heard the argument by groups opposing the New York City ban on sodas larger than 16 ounces in restaurants and other eateries. Advocates for consumer…
Posted January 24, 2013 at4:09 pm