Livestock (page 14)

Sharks Attack Pigs — Courtesy of RFK Jr.

With all the activist hype over mad cow disease, the reclassification of fish as a dangerous entrĂ©e, and the so-called “dangers” of feeding milk…
Posted May 21, 2004 at 12:00 am

Food Cops? Public Health Officials? Who Can Tell?

The American Public Health Association (APHA), fresh from an annual conference held to promote government policies that threaten to control your day-to-day activities, issued a whopping…
Posted January 12, 2004 at 12:00 am

Antibiotic ‘Estimates’ Lead Lawmakers Astray

Newly introduced, identical bills in the U.S. House and Senate would ban the routine use of eight classes of antibiotics in livestock animals. Keep Antibiotics Working (KAW), a…
Posted August 1, 2003 at 12:00 am

Hog Wild in California?

On the heels of their successful 2002 Florida ballot initiative (which gave pregnant sows Constitutional protections), animal-rights activists are now gearing up to duplicate their efforts…
Posted June 4, 2003 at 12:00 am

Union of Callous Scaremongers

“Hey, hey, ho, ho, drugs in meat have got to go” chanted protestors outside a McDonald’s in Maine. The oh-so-clever rabble held up massive “pill burgers” (hamburgers with…
Posted May 27, 2003 at 12:00 am

Activists ‘Resist’ Real Science on Antibiotic Resistance

As anti-consumer groups like the Union of Concerned Scientists (UCS), the Center for Science in the Public Interest (CSPI), and the Institute for Agriculture and Trade Policy…
Posted April 30, 2003 at 12:00 am

The Rights Of Scaremongers

The pretentiously named recently published an article titled “Want drugs with those fries?” that raises fears about the use of antibiotics in animal agriculture leading…
Posted April 28, 2003 at 12:00 am

The Straw that Broke the Sow’s Back

Florida politicians, weary of the sort of election-day fiascos that made their state a laughingstock, have decided to clean up their act. We’re not talking about…
Posted April 1, 2003 at 12:00 am

More Pfabulous Pfiesteria Pfun

Yesterday a University of North Carolina marine biologist presented a rare bit of common sense related to Pfiesteria piscicida [fiss-TEER-ee-uh piss-ki-SEED-uh]. That’s the pesky microorganism that environmental groups like…
Posted March 27, 2003 at 12:00 am

‘Hyperbole’: noun – See ‘Kennedy’

Any time an environmental activist leader ends his comments by claiming, “That’s not an exaggeration,” you can be sure what you just heard was more style than substance. Robert…
Posted March 26, 2003 at 12:00 am