Other (press) (page3)

The Week In Review

With the exception of an unfortunate slip-up by one major news outlet, there was a promising pattern in this week’s food news: common sense. A landmark study broke the bad news to…
Posted February 27, 2009 at12:00 am

There Goes the Neighborhood

A famous Italian writer once said, “If you want to annoy your neighbors, tell the truth about them.” That advice has never been more helpful: People for the…
Posted February 10, 2009 at12:00 am

Quote of the Week

This week’s quote is brought to you by Tessa Williams, a lifelong vegetarian who discovered the joys of eating meat as an “almost fortysomething.” This born-again carnivore explains what…
Posted February 2, 2009 at12:00 am

Do-Gooder Double Standards

In the ‘80s, Center for Science in the Public Interest (CSPI) sold several posters featuring information about nutrition and exercise to health-conscious consumers. But in recent years, that…
Posted March 14, 2008 at12:00 am

Too Short For This Ride, Too Poor For This Loan

This month, the bureaucrat-knows-best mentality that has been sweeping the nation hit the Palmetto State. Assuming that we are too stupid to choose for ourselves, South Carolina legislators are…
Posted February 15, 2008 at12:00 am

It’s Only Natural

In the past two years, the food nuts at the Center for Science in the Public Interest (CSPI) haven’t hesitated to drag several businesses to court over one word…
Posted January 7, 2008 at12:00 am

Remembering The Food Scold Days

Many health officials criticize the modern American diet, suggesting that our grandparents’ nutrition was notably superior. In reality, most people in the ‘50s and ‘60s ate a high-fat, high-cholesterol and…
Posted December 14, 2007 at12:00 am

Surgeon General vs. North Pole

Popular Christmas movies would have you believe that Santa’s biggest problem is people who stop believing. (See Miracle on 34th Street, The Year Without a Santa Claus,…
Posted December 3, 2007 at12:00 am

Salt Shaker Shakedown

This has never happened before. Yesterday’s FDA hearing on limits for salt in food marked what may be an unprecedented shift in the agency’s regulatory role. This is…
Posted November 30, 2007 at12:00 am

Americans Are Gaining Laws, Not Weight

Between 1999 and 2002, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention reported a plateau in US obesity rates. Using data crunched from the recent 2003-2004 survey, today’s news is…
Posted November 29, 2007 at12:00 am