The front page of Sunday’s Sacramento Bee features the Center for Consumer Freedom and its “counteroffensive” against lawmakers and activists who push for excessive regulations on our favorite…
Cornell law professor Douglas Kysar is still in tantrum mode two weeks after the U.S. House of Representatives overwhelmingly passed Rep. Ric Keller’s (R-FL) “Personal Responsibility…
Taking to the airwaves, the Center for Consumer Freedom went after angry trial lawyers, who were all in a tizzy over the “Personal Responsibility in Food Consumption Act,”…
The March issue of the Harvard Business Review includes a fictional case study about a cookie company that has been sued for causing obesity. Four experts were asked…
In a speech last week, Center for Science and the Public Interest (CSPI) director Michael Jacobson claimed that restaurant companies do not need protection from lawsuit-happy…
Yesterday, the U.S. House Judiciary Committee approved Rep. Ric Keller’s (R-FL) “Personal Responsibility in Food Consumption Act” (H.R. 339). Keller’s bill would protect restaurants from the increasing number…
Proposition 65, California’s gift to trial lawyers, has struck again. The inane “Prop 65” requires any product containing one of several hundred “known carcinogens” to bear…
As the United States becomes a “litigation nation” and trial lawyers line up to sue food restaurants and food companies for causing obesity, serving Christmas cookies has become a perilous…
Starting today, CNN’s “American Morning” is airing the Center for Consumer Freedom’s newest television commercial. Click here to view the ad, which warns that…