It's been a difficult month for science-phobic activists opposed to the widespread acceptance of genetically engineered (GE) food, but Americans have been fed enough misinformation by activists that…
While voters in Marin County went the way of the Luddite and approved a ballot initiative on Tuesday banning genetically engineered (GE) crops, three other California counties resoundingly…
The clamor over genetically enhanced crops has reached a fevered pitch in France. In the last few months, a group of neo-luddite radicals have crisscrossed the countryside…
While our daily headlines provide an in-depth look at the biggest stories related to anti-consumer food and beverage activism, there are dozens more that we simply can’t get to. Here’s…
In a sternly worded editorial this morning, USA Today argues that genetically modified foods represent “minimal risk,” and therefore “denying the food to starving people defies reason and conscience.”…
While our daily headlines provide an in-depth look at the biggest stories related to anti-consumer food and beverage activism, there are dozens more that we simply can’t get to. Here’s…
Today the Center for Consumer Freedom is proud to unveil a new and improved interface for our award-winning website. ActivistCash is in its third year of profiling…
In Sunday’s London Times, genetics expert Charles Pasternak praises Britain’s decision to allow commercial farming of genetically enhanced corn. “For once the government has got it…
The New York Post reports today that the secretive Tides Foundation began organizing attacks on President Bush after receiving millions of dollars from foundations controlled by presidential candidate…
“It’s gotten to the point where I almost think I’ve become a terrorist,” Adbusters founder Kalle Lasn admitted last fall. His anti-corporate zealots make no secret…