Press Release

PETA’s Adria Hinkle and Andrew Cook Win 6th Annual CCF Nanny Awards

Washington, DC –Today the Center for Consumer Freedom (CCF) announced the winner of the 6th Annual “Nanny Awards:” People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals’ (PETA) Adria Hinkle and Andrew Cook. This prize is given each year to America’s most notorious animal rights zealot, celebrity busybody, environmental scaremonger, self-appointed “public interest” advocate, food cop, or any other activist who claims to know “what’s best for you.”

Hinkle and Cook won a month-long nationwide poll by a wide margin, defeating eight other nominees and garnering 37% of the vote. The duo was nominated for picking up perfectly healthy dogs and cats from North Carolina shelters, killing the animals in the back of their PETA-owned van, and tossing the bodies into a nearby dumpster.

Hinkle and Cook’s triumph comes on the tails of a recent Virginia Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services (VDACS) report showing that in 2006, PETA employees euthanized 97.4% of the companion animals they took in for adoption. The group killed nearly 3,000 dogs and cats, while finding homes for only twelve.

Also deserving recognition are the silver and bronze medalists. Dan Kinburn, a lawyer for the the deceptive animal rights Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine (PCRM) was nominated for encouraging trial lawyers to use California’s “bounty hunter” law to sue “virtually every restaurant in the state of California that is not serving an all-vegetarian diet.”

Finishing behind Kinburn was self-appointed obesity activist MeMe Roth. In 2007 Roth took aim at the Keebler Elves, Girl Scouts, and even Santa Claus as complicit in America’s so-called obesity epidemic. In May, Roth had to be physically restrained from vandalizing a YMCA snack table, justifying her antics by saying that “kids deserve to have somewhere safe to go without being pressured to eat junk food.”

“While we’d like to congratulate all the nominees for their achievements in nannying, we’re proud to give this year’s award to such a deserving pair of animal rights zealots,” said David Martosko, Research Director at the Center for Consumer Freedom. “PETA has had a remarkable record of slaughtering thousands of adoptable dogs and cats; Adria Hinkle and Andrew Cook took that ruthlessly efficient slaughtering to new heights this past year. Congratulations PETA.”

Founded in 1996, the Center for Consumer Freedom is a nonprofit 501(c)(3) organization devoted to promoting personal responsibility and protecting consumer choices. For more information, visit


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