Press Release

Obesity Liability Waiver Offered for Thanksgiving Dinner Hosts

Washington, DC – The Center for Consumer Freedom wishes the nation a guilt-free Thanksgiving meal of turkey, stuffing, mashed potatoes, cranberries, and all the trimmings. Because of a scourge of trial lawyers seeking to make obesity lawsuits their next cash cow, those hosting a feast this year might consider having their guests sign a legal waiver – our Thanksgiving Guest Liability and Indemnification Agreement.

During this season when food cops, public health activists, and trial lawyers are promoting hysteria about the nation’s expanding waistline, the Center for Consumer Freedom believes that Thanksgiving should remain a holiday for giving thanks and indulging.

With this waiver, dinner hosts can keep the food police like the Center for Science in the Public Interest out of their dining room. They can also protect themselves from lawsuits filed by their guests at the encouragement of attorneys like John “Sue the Bastards” Banzhaf, who is threatening to sue restaurants, food companies, school boards, doctors and even parents for the nation’s extra pounds.

“Dinner hosts should be able to serve that second helping of turkey and stuffing and offer a bigger slice of pumpkin pie without the fear of being sued,” said Center for Consumer Freedom senior analyst Dan Mindus. “With this signed form, they can keep the trial lawyers and food police out in the cold. That’s something we can all be thankful about on this holiday.”

Click here to see the Center for Consumer Freedom’s Thanksgiving Guest Liability and Indemnification Agreement.

Founded in 1996, the Center for Consumer Freedom is a nonprofit 501(c)(3) organization devoted to promoting personal responsibility and protecting consumer choices. For more information, visit


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