At about the same time that People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA) installed a new European chief whom Canada’s National Post is calling “the fisherman’s enemy,” Canadian environmentalist David Suzuki called for aggressive limits on ocean fishing. Now SeaWeb, the nannies who brought us the wholly unnecessary “Give Swordfish a Break!” campaign, is flexing its Internet muscle with a front-group deceptively named the Seafood Choices Alliance (SCA). SeaWeb is using SCA in order to exert influence over which varieties of fish are considered politically correct to serve and eat. And, lest we forget, the Chefs Collaborative (remember them?) is getting in on the action too, as its spokes-nannies fan out across the country in search of reporters and editors who will dutifully transcribe the celebrity chefs’ political ideologies (Rick Moonen provides a great example in this month’s Delta Sky airline magazine).
For a complete look at the fish-obsessed Nanny
Culture, we offer a piece of required reading. An Associated Press wire story that ran last month in the Concord (NH) Monitor.