See You Later, Babe

Actor James Cromwell appeared in court Monday on charges stemming from his arrest at a Virginia Wendy’s restaurant this summer. Seems Cromwell, who became an animal rights activist after working with digitally enhanced talking pigs in the movie Babe, created a biggie-sized nuisance when he and other activists descended on the restaurant at lunchtime and took over the counter in an effort to stop service.

The PETA-sponsored stunt ended with Cromwell hauled off in handcuffs. He received a a suspended $1,000 fine Monday and was ordered to stay out of all Fairfax County, Virginia, Wendy’s restaurants. To learn more about Cromwell and PETA, click over to our new site, — an expose on anti-consumer activists, and their funding and friends, with more information coming soon.

More on “Animal Rights Extremism”

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