Animal Rights Terror: Your Tax Dollars At Work

“Why should taxpayers subsidize terrorists?” asks columnist Mike Costello in The Lewiston [Idaho] Morning Tribune. PETA has given $1,500 to the Earth Liberation Front (ELF), an extremist group labeled as a terrorist organization by the FBI. PETA has also given over $70,000 to animal rights extremists linked to ELF and its sister group, the Animal Liberation Front (ALF), including arsonists and individuals who have set off time bombs.

“Who could support such monstrous people? The aforementioned PETA does. And that means… so do you, because PETA is a tax-exempt organization,” Costello writes. The $1,500 “was intended to ‘support program activities.’ Well, since the ELF has only one activity, that being terrorism, then PETA would seem to have done some violence to itself for a change.”

For more on the tax-exempt groups that you are involuntarily supporting, visit

More on “Animal Rights Extremism”

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