“If you are an obese, diabetic child in New York who loves McDonald’s,” writes the Battle Creek Enquirer, “you may have hit the jackpot — but we hope not.”
“If, as they claim, the lawyers behind the suit really only are concerned about children’s health, why aren’t they suing the parents of children who have been raised on Happy Meals? Isn’t it Mom and Dad who take the kids to the Golden Arches to gorge themselves?”
Having asked itself the question of whether or not fast food restaurants ought to be held legally responsible for their customers’ choices, the Enquirer concludes: “We don’t think so. At least not if we want to remain a nation where people are free to choose what they eat, where they live, whom they associate with and how they conduct their lives. Freedom is the right to make even bad decisions. It also forces us to live with the consequences of our decisions.”