NAACP To PETA: We Have No Problem With KFC

Last month we told you that the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP) had apparently endorsed People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals‘ (PETA’s) campaign against KFC. But now the Louisville Courier-Journal is reporting that the NAACP has come to its senses.

According to the Courier-Journal:

A spokesman for NAACP president Kweisi Mfume said the group’s leader was only curious about charges leveled against KFC by People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals when he wrote Yum! Brands Inc. chairman David Novak last month … [Mfume] also said he was glad to hear “of your commitment to adopt comprehensive industry-leading guidelines and audits” of the handling and raising of poultry.

The NAACP has asked PETA, the Courier-Journal reports, to remove Mfume’s picture and signature from its website. But to no one’s surprise, PETA is still trumpeting “NAACP Head Speaks Up for Chickens!” on its anti-KFC page.

As the NAACP leaves animal rights to the PETAphiles and returns to its regularly scheduled programming, PETA is only intensifying its opposition to the horror of the two-piece dinner, both in the U.S. and overseas. In late September PETA tried to intimidate a KFC executive by protesting outside his home and church. And PETA recently announced that it would also initiate shareholder resolutions in an attempt to sway KFC’s chicken suppliers.

More on “Animal Rights Extremism”

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