Your Children, PETA’s Pawns

Given the amount of propaganda it aims at America’s children, it was just a matter of time before People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals crossed the wrong parent. A tip of the Consumer Freedom hat to Matthew Knowles, father of pop diva Beyoncé Knowles, who saw his daughter getting shoved around by PETA last week and did the only honorable thing he could. He shoved back.

MSNBC reports that PETA recently attacked the pop star with a full-page ad in Billboard magazine, slamming her for wearing fur. In response, her dad called PETA president Ingrid Newkirk and left a message saying, in part: “Tell her we’re going to get to know each other very, very well.” Newkirk acknowledges that she expects a lawsuit to be in the offing, saying that if “you’re a realist, you look for a subpoena.”

Mr. Knowles isn’t the only father who should be upset, as PETA has a long history of targeting children with its destructive animal rights messages. The group indoctrinates kids with Animal Liberation Front vocabulary at an early age, sends convicted felons into schools to lecture them about “compassion” (and vegetarianism), and even propagandizes them as they walk home at the end of the day.

The common thread running through all of PETA’s outreach to minor children is its habit of going behind parents’ backs to create the next generation of meat-shunning, pleather-wearing (and yes, bomb-throwing) activists. If you’re a parent who’s had enough of PETA preaching its disturbing brand of misanthropy to your kids, we’d like to hear from you. Even if you’re not prepared to make a public stink the way Mr. Knowles did, we are.

Click here to tell us
how PETA has interfered with your efforts to raise your children your way. We’d love to hear from you: just be sure to include your name, address, and a phone number where you can be reached. And after you share your story, don’t forget to add your name to our petition to the IRS, aimed at revoking PETA’s federal tax exemption.

More on “Animal Rights Extremism”

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