PETA’s Stealth War On Schools

In our report “Your Kids, PETA’s Pawns,” we detail how People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA) indoctrinates children of all ages into the animal-rights movement, both here and abroad. And we’ve seen nothing to indicate that PETA intends to slow down its ideological assault on America’s young people. PETA’s “about us” web page now discloses that the group has “reached 235,000 teachers and 11,000,000 students” (eleven million!) with its propaganda materials, some of which don’t even bear PETA’s name.

The Center for Consumer Freedom distributed copies of “Your Kids, PETA’s Pawns” to enthusiastic teachers and school administrators at this year’s National Education Association and National PTA conventions. PETA was also an exhibitor at the PTA event, distributing its “TeachKind” curriculum materials. But the PETA name and logo were nowhere to be seen.

While the standard TeachKind brochure carries PETA’s home address in Norfolk, VA, it includes no other acknowledgement that PETA’s “total animal liberation” zealots are behind the program. In fact, of the hundreds of educators our representatives spoke with during the three day PTA conference in Columbus, Ohio, none were aware that TeachKind is a PETA program.

The same can be said of “Just Choices,” a subtle program whose goal is to make “speciesism” the moral equivalent of racism and sexism. Its materials were also available at TeachKind’s PTA Convention booth, and (despite its Washington, DC mailing address), it’s also owned by PETA. Type an incorrect URL (like “”) into your Internet browser, and PETA’s web server delivers the error message.

If our experience at the PTA convention is any indication, teachers, students, and parents have no idea who’s crafting these activist curricula. PETA’s lesson plans suggest teachers instruct their students that health problems related to meat-eating are “killing most people”; they direct teachers to feed their students fake bacon in class; and they even encourage teachers to show high-schoolers video footage of terrorist Animal Liberation Front break-ins at medical research laboratories.

Teachers, principals, and school board members who would like printed copies of “Your Kids, PETA’s Pawns” can request them directly from us. Just share your name, the name of your school or school district, and a mailing address.

More on “Animal Rights Extremism”

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