“Please accept our congratulations for your bold stand this week in denying People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA) access to the children at Williams Middle School.” So begins a letter we sent today to a South Carolina school principal and the district superintendent, who wisely blocked PETA’s attempt to brainwash children with anti-chicken animal rights propaganda. As the Florence, South Carolina Morning News reported, PETA’s attempt to scare students about the meat they eat “quickly fizzled after police and school officials confronted organization representatives and escorted them off school property.”
When police told PETA activists to take their anti-chicken act to the other side of the road, a spokesman feigned shock, saying (presumably with a straight face):
Usually the administrators are happy that we’re there. The parents are happy because they know that we’re bringing a good message of compassion and health to the kids.
Ahhhhh, yes, that compassionate message, which tells children their moms are murderers. And that health message, which warns kids away from important foods such as chicken and fish.
Notwithstanding those fibs, the school’s principal said he is troubled by PETA’s utter disregard for district policy, telling the newspaper:
What causes me concern for this particular issue is that, after speaking with them and explaining that policy, they showed blatant disregard for it by coming on campus anyway. We saw them in violation of that, which causes me great alarm … We take great pride in our health program and teaching children about healthy choices for food, so we don’t need PeTA to do that for us.
As we warned in our letter, which was accompanied by a copy of the Center for Consumer Freedom’s report, Your Kids, PETA’s Pawns: How the Animal “Rights” Movement Hurts Children: