Filed Under: Other (press)

Consumer Freedom’s Year In Review

Each year, we pore over thousands of tax records to document how much food cops, radical animal rights activists, and green groups spend on their efforts to restrict what we can eat and drink. In the last financial year alone, the ten largest groups we follow on our award-winning website raised more than $700 million. Despite their well-honed image of innocence, these activists groups are big business.

We do our best to expose their radical and well-funded agenda for what it is: an all-out attack on personal responsibility and consumer freedom. This year we told you about the government’s flagrantly faulty estimate of obesity-related deaths, People for the Ethical Treatment of Animal’s (PETA) animal killing machine and flagrant insults to the world’s religions, and the Center for Science in the Public Interest’s (CSPI) assault on salt. We also published the single most exhaustive book detailing the myths about obesity and unveiled a website debunking the fishy science used to scare Americans about mercury in fish.

But, to paraphrase a line from PBS, we couldn’t defend personal responsibility, common sense, and the occasional beer-and-cheeseburger meal without support from viewers like you. So as 2005 draws to a close, we hope you’ll consider making a tax-deductible contribution to the Center for Consumer Freedom. Your donation will go to support our award-winning ad campaigns that put groups like PETA and CSPI on the defensive — often for the very first time.

More on “Other (press)”

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