Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine (PCRM) chief attorney Dan Kinburn appeared at a San Francisco legal conference on Friday, and a funny thing happened on the way to the lunch buffet. Kinburn encouraged an audience of trial lawyers to use Proposition 65 (California’s notorious “bounty hunter” law) to sue “virtually every restaurant in the state of California that is not serving an all-vegetarian diet.” This, we presume, would include The University Club, whose buffet lunch for the event included cold cuts, cheese, and a delicious shrimp pasta salad. (PCRM, remember, fights for vegan nutrition by sneering at the consumption of all animal products.)
Kinburn made his way through the lunch line with PCRM toxicologist Chad Sandusky. While they left the turkey and ham undisturbed, we watched as they both dug happily into the shrimp-and-pasta dish (made, the kitchen assured us, with real mayonnaise — the kind made with actual chicken eggs).
Memo to Dan and Chad: If you want the legal community to take you seriously as vegan avengers, it would be a good idea to avoid eggs and shellfish. At least in public.