Meghan Cox Gurdon, who reviews children’s books for The Wall Street Journal, has noticed a startling trend in the environmental messages bombarding America’s children: They’re not just about the…
Yesterday on the New York Times health blog, food writer Michael Pollan asked readers for a few new food rules that everyone should try to live by. For too…
Seeing that sentence in the new issue of Mother Jones magazine had us doing one of the biggest double-takes ever. Mother Jones – the preferred glossy of anti-burger activists…
The emotionally charged controversy over genetically modified (GM) foods reached the highest level of European bureaucracy today. And a few hours ago, the first wire reports came through with the…
On the day after Barack Obama’s inauguration, we remarked that the President has done a service to American consumers by hesitating to base his food policies on the…
Yesterday, a reader’s letter in a Florida newspaper began: “With unemployment, food scares and demands on food banks all up, the time is now for an organic revolution.” We’ve…
In the run-up to yesterday’s inauguration, all sorts of dietary busybodies came out of the woodwork to make their wish lists known to America’s 44th president. Green groups begged…
As we prepare to chronicle (and resist) a 2009 full of assaults on our food freedoms, we’re also reflecting on the year that’s drawing to a close. Here are some…
As we reflect on the past year and look forward to ringing in a new one, financial uncertainty seems to be at the forefront of everyone’s mind. So as we…
In addition to being America’s self-anointed nutrition czar, Marion Nestle is our benevolent organic overlord. On her blog (titled, without a hint of authoritarian irony, “What To Eat”), Nestle…