Food & Beverage (page 183)

Soda Sensationalism

“Drink enough soda and your bones could pop” the headline from the Charleston Gazette rang out on Saturday. “Drinking pop in school when I was a student was unheard of,”…
Posted November 13, 2000 at 12:00 am

The Election Results Are In

Gore won the popular vote (we think). Bush won the electoral college vote (maybe). The Natural Law Party’s John Hagelin won the nanny vote (we’re sure). Don Lovejoy rants…
Posted November 10, 2000 at 12:00 am

No Cheeseburgers In Paradise

Food choices around the world are needlessly imperiled because of nannies' successful scare campaigns. Italians are shaken to the point that they've declared only organic food can be served in school cafeterias (see our headlines from yesterday). Now the Italian Catholic church seems to be caught up in the hysteria. In a full-page ad in the church bishops' newspaper, the church said that by eating fast food, Italians have abandoned respect for "the holiness of food."
Posted November 10, 2000 at 12:00 am

Reason To Fear Organic

It’s bad enough that organic farming methods are intimately linked to a dramatic increase in deadly E. coli poisoning. Now the organic industry, which is bankrolling the fear marketing…
Posted November 6, 2000 at 12:00 am

Scaring The Public Needlessly Can Be Profitable

Former Greenpeace UK president Lord Peter Melchett asked the New Yorker to focus on anything but the science when writing an article on genetically improved foods. “If you write…
Posted November 6, 2000 at 12:00 am

What’s Good For Me Must Be Good For You

Chefs Collaborative board of overseers member Ann Cooper (executive chef at the Ross School in New York and the Putney Inn in Vermont) rants about saving the world from conventionally…
Posted November 3, 2000 at 12:00 am

Might As Well Blame It On The Rain

Nanny nutritionists try to blame obesity on restaurant portion sizes. Last we checked, no one forced anyone to eat anything. ("Is bigger really better?," Chicago Sun-Times, 11/01/00)
Posted November 2, 2000 at 12:00 am

Can’t Loose Marketing Scheme

Greenpeace UK president Peter Melchett has decided that since most of the English public is now terrified of genetically improved foods because of Greenpeace's activism, it is in his best interest to step down as Greenpeace president. Melchett is planning to capitalize on the fear he's created by selling the public organic foods from his farm.
Posted October 27, 2000 at 12:00 am

More Food You Can’t Eat

The Center for the Science in the Public Interest has found a new type of restaurant food to disparage. This time, it's Greek food. CSPI already says you shouldn't eat most Chinese food, Mexican food, Italian food, and fast food. Now these food nannies say forget the Greek salad, moussaka, and gyros too. Where in the world can we get something to eat?
Posted October 24, 2000 at 12:00 am

We Say Toe-may-toe, Nannies Say Toe-mah-toe, So Let’s Call An Expert

Contrary to nanny claims, there is nothing better about organic foods. Organic, conventional, or genetically engineered, it just doesn’t matter, says David Klurfeld, chairman of the Department of Nutrition and…
Posted October 23, 2000 at 12:00 am