Los Angeles public school officials remain reluctant to allow British food scold Jamie Oliver to bring reality show drama to their cafeterias, but Season 2 of Oliver’s Food…
It wasn’t so long ago that teachers and principals were most concerned about kids bringing drugs and weapons to school. Now we’re learning that brown-bag lunches packed with love…
New York City lawmakers are considering a ban on fast-food kids meal toys, thanks in large part to a super-sized bureaucrat who doesn’t want kids to grow up to…
Leading a healthy lifestyle used to mean following a simple regimen of eating healthy, exercising regularly, and following your doctor’s orders. But today’s government bureaucrats want to punish anyone…
They huffed and they puffed, but America’s most notorious food cops couldn’t blow away a Food and Drug Administration (FDA) committee with their proposal to require warning labels on…
There's nothing new about lawsuit-happy activists and trial lawyers trying to sue the pants off of restaurants that have the audacity to serve customers food that they ordered.
A new study focused on helping pre-teens overcome childhood obesity shows that parents could be the most effective weapon in the battle against the bulge. Obesity researchers…
After spending more than a decade scaring parents silly about poisoning their kids’ bodies and minds with “riotously colored processed foods,” America’s most notorious food cop rejoiced in Friday’s…
Big-government bureaucrats in cash-strapped California are hoping to plug their $25 billion budget gap with sin taxes levied on beverages sweetened with sugar. Before undecided California lawmakers decide whether…