“Selling certain types of coffee could soon be illegal in Berkeley,” The Berkeley Daily Planet reports. The city is considering an initiative to ban the sale of all…
Politician, heal thyself: A Texas state senator who says he enjoys soft drinks himself is pushing legislation that would attach taxes to soda. The plan…
California has taken a step back from banning soft drinks in schools, but the issue will return. A bill to phase out soda sales during school hours over five years…
“Soda pop is today’s cause celebre of the anti-obesity campaign,” writes Rocky Mountain News columnist Mary Winter. “Twelve states are considering laws to tax or ban pop sales…
Anti-consumer activists are already branding snack foods the new tobacco, with Action on Smoking and Health’s John Banzhaf declaring, “People are wondering if tactics used against the tobacco industry very…
Last fall, California adopted strict restrictions on what foods are available in schools, banning the sale of foods that do not meet arbitrary standards for fat and sugar content…
Coffee is becoming a class issue — but not the way “fair trade” demonstrators think. By rallying for politically correct coffee, activists are raising the price of a…
California State Sen. Deborah Ortiz has introduced the “California Soda Tax Act,” a measure that would impose a nine-cent tax on every two-liter bottle of soda sold in the Golden…
“If activists get Starbucks to ‘surrender’ and dump all food that includes bio-ingredients, the really big fish — food suppliers like Kraft and the national grocery chains — will…
The Organic Consumers Association. (OCA) will “stage protests” outside Starbucks establishments in 300 U.S. cities February 23 through March 2, harassing customers with demands that the coffee vendor remove…