Washington, DC — People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA) has just updated its animal-control statistics for 2005, and the numbers aren’t pretty. According to the Virginia state veterinarian, PETA killed 1,946 cats, dogs, and other pets last year, in addition to 141 wild animals. In 2005 PETA managed a startling 90 percent kill rate (worse than the 86 percent the year before), adopting or transferring out only 215 animals. Added to PETA’s earlier numbers, these new figures tell us that since July 1998 the group has killed over 14,400 cats, dogs, and other pets in Virginia.
“Pet lovers should be outraged,” said Center for Consumer Freedom Director of Research David Martosko. “PETA relies on the good will of compassionate Americans who will be shocked at its hypocritical angel-of-death routine. There are hundreds of worthwhile animal shelters that deserve Americans’ support. PETA is not one of them.”
Virginia isn’t the only place where PETA is killing animals. In neighboring North Carolina, two PETA staffers have been charged with felony animal cruelty and obtaining property (the animals) by false pretenses. Adria Hinkle and Andrew Cook allegedly killed cats and dogs in the back of a PETA-owned van, stuffed their bodies into trash bags, and threw them into a dumpster. The pair is currently awaiting trial.
Martosko continued, “PETA’s president is on record saying that her organization is dedicated to ‘total animal liberation.’ And her employees are following through by liberating adoptable animals from life itself. In September, PETA bragged about bringing 32 stray dogs back to Virginia from the Hurricane Katrina disaster area. I’m guessing at least 28 of them have already been put down.”
To view photos of the dead cats and dogs allegedly killed by PETA (Warning: These are graphic images of animal cruelty), or for more information about the group’s massive euthanasia program, visit www.PetaKillsAnimals.com.
To schedule an interview contact Andrew Porter at (202) 463-7112.