Press Release

Ocean’s 12 Tons

Washington, DC – George Clooney, Brad Pitt, and Matt Damon seem to be good with the heists, but maybe they should be stealing more time at the gym. According to US government standards, these guys are officially fat.

Sound crazy? Not as crazy as many of the ridiculous statistics fueling the over-hyped “obesity epidemic” today. In 1998, the U.S. government changed the standard by which overweight is measured. As a result, over 30 million Americans were shifted from a government-approved weight to the overweight category — without gaining an ounce! This standard, called the Body Mass Index (BMI), places these hotties in the fatties category by only taking height and weight into consideration. A BMI over 25 means you’re overweight and over 30 means you’re obese. So, at 5’ 11” and 187 pounds, Matt Damon tips the BMI scale at 26 and six-foot Brad Pitt at 203 pounds is up to a BMI of 28. But, leave it to George Clooney to lead the “Fat Pack” at 5’11”, 211 pounds, and a BMI of 29.

They’re in good company with many other “overweight” and “obese” celebrities like Will Smith, Tom Cruise and Bruce Willis. All of these celebrities, and many ordinary Americans, have fallen victim to this same flawed standard which is also the basis for the government’s claim that 65% of Americans today are overweight or obese.

So, do you really think that Clooney, Damon, and Pitt are tubby? Of course not, but the stars should watch out for surprise guest appearances by the self-described “food police” at the Center for Science in the Public Interest and trial lawyers (led by John “Sue the Bastards” Banzhaf) who want “fat taxes” and restaurant lawsuits to force them and all of us to slim down.

“These are the ‘it’ guys of Hollywood and to include them in the number of overweight Americans further inflates already overblown statistics behind the so-called obesity epidemic,” said Dan Mindus, senior analyst of The Center for Consumer Freedom.

Does the government think you’re fat? Take the test at Plug in your height and weight to get an instant verdict on how the government stacks you up against Ocean’s Twelve and many other Hollywood stars.

Founded in 1996, the Center for Consumer Freedom is a nonprofit 501(c)(3) organization devoted to promoting personal responsibility and protecting consumer choices. For more information, visit


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